Theme1 Analog Electronics Digital Electronics Converter technology Electronic signals integrated optics Giant Microelectronics Advanced Electromagnetics Advanced Electromagnetics power electronic technology Electronic equipment Electronic Information Technology Communication electronic circuits digital signal processing Fiber optics and fiber optic devices Adaptive signal processing Electronic system level design Circuit Analysis and Design MEMS component technology Epitaxy and light-emitting diodes Physics of Microwave Photonic Devices Electronics and Nanoelectronics 3D semiconductor device technology Micro/Nano Systems and Networks Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated Systems Theme2 genetic algorithm evolutionary algorithms fuzzy logic pattern recognition knowledge discovery data mining Economic forecasting Financial analysis information safety medical diagnosis computational intelligence heuristic algorithm Simulated annealing algorithm Taboo search algorithm Computational molecular systems Computational neuroscience Intelligent computing and optimization Computational Evolutionary Biology Database and Data Management Data management and modeling tools Data Mining and Machine Learning Formal verification of biological systems Drug design and computer-aided diagnosis Emerging numerical methods and computational tools Gene regulation, expression, identification, and networking Data collection, normalization, analysis, and visualization Biology and parallel implementation of high-performance computing systems
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All full paper submissions to the ICETIC 2025 could be written in English and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical or research content or depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted papers of ICETIC 2025 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.-Submission Portal-
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